Emmaline Rickard

Company: Zen With Emm (Mobile Massage)

Title: Business Owner / Massage Therapist

Email: emmaline@zenwemm.com

Website: www.zenwemm.com

Bio: Hi, I’m Emmaline! I’ve been a licensed massage therapist for 10+ years with accreditation from Irene’s Myomassology Institute in Southfield, MI. My passions include all things health, sports, and faith. Hobbies are working out and travel. Full-time wife, mother of 2, and huge advocate of empowering the “I’m just too busy” person. But how?

It starts with checking out what massage services I offer! With a background in a variety of modalities - Swedish, Myofascial Release, Maternity, Sports/Deep Tissue, and more! Catered to whatever level of wellness you find yourself in, my mission is to “Rejuvenate the Body & Empower the Mind.” All in the convenience of your home! You carve time out of your busy day and I’ll do the rest.